Below are the Top 5 things for this month!
- 33rd Annual World Marriage Day Ball Saturday, February 17th! Peachtree Corners Marriott. See for details
- Post WWME Weekend Sing Out! We would love to have you and any of your couples come to the sing outs! It helps you reconnect to the spirit of your own Weekend! In the past we have had couples on the Weekend with no one to greet them. Come and help welcome them to the GATN Encounter Community! It’s so helpful to have extra greeters when the Prayer Couple is not able to come to the sing out.
- New Hotel for Weekends in 2018! We have a new hotel for 3 out of 6 of our weekends in 2018. It is the Hyatt Place in Duluth, near I-85 and Pleasant Hill. 3 weekends at the “HP” (Hyatt Place) and 3 weekends at the “M” (Marriott Peachtree Corners). The 2018 dates are: February 23-25 (HP), April 20-22 (M), June 15-17 (M), August 10-12 (HP), September 28-30 (M), November 16-18 (HP).
- Invite, Invite, INVITE!! It’s inviting season! Have each couple in your WEDS group contact 2 or 3 encountered couples that used to be in your WEDS groups who haven’t been in a while. Sometimes a new invitation to them will be the perfect timing for them to start coming again.
- Use Your Powerful Couple Prayer! We have 2 ways to do this. 1) Make a special connection with a couple on the Weekend! If you want to be a prayer couple, contact our Prayer Couple Coordinators, Doug & Maureen Newlands ( for formation. 2) If you would like to pray during the Prayer Vigil for a 1-hour slot during the weekends, contact Paul & Reneé Armstrong ( They are using a Signup Genius in 2018, to make it more available for the WWME Prayer Warriors!