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Top Five

Top Five WWME Notables for June

By November 11, 2017July 28th, 2021No Comments

Below are the top 5 things for this month!


  1. WE NEED HELP WITH THE EUCHARISTC CONGRESS!!!  Please prayerfully consider coming to the GA International Conference Center to help hand out brochures for Marriage Encounter!!  Date:  June 16th and 17th!  We will have a table set up in the hall with many other ministries.  This is the best place to advertise for this incredible weekend to so many Catholic couples!!  Please come and help for ½ an hour in between the talks.  Contact Brooks and Brandi to sign up!!  You can go to  for more information about the conference!
  2. If you have a great presentation that you have given to you WEDS group, consider sharing with everyone in the e-spirit, or you can take it ‘on the road’ and visit another WEDS group and give the presentation to another WEDS group!  It is great to meet the community that is larger than just your WEDS.  Let us know if you need more information.  Share presentation topics too.  Sometimes someone can have a great topic to give a presentation, and it is great to ‘share the wealth’.
  3. Please keep the 13 couples on this weekend in your prayers, along with Kim & Dave Boyd, Beth & Jeremy Stafford, Al & Mary Nelle Connelly and Father Joe Brando.  We would love to see you at the sing out on Sunday the 11th at 3:00!  It is so great to welcome the new couples into our wonderful Marriage Encounter community!  Please keep inviting couples for the next weekend, July 28th – 30th!  We need more couples!!  Remember that list you wrote on your weekend, of the couples you thought ‘deserved’ a weekend and you wanted to invite!  Look at that list and call some friends and family and invite!!  (Remaining Weekends:  Sept. 15 – 17 and Nov. 3 – 5)
  4. Share your dialogue questions!   If you have some great questions, share them in the e-spirit!   Here are a few of our favorites:
    • If we could go anywhere, where would I most like to take you?  HDIFSTWY? (How do I feel sharing this with you?)
    • What song most makes me think of you?  HDIFSTWY?
    • What part of the day would I most like to share with you?  HDIFSTWY?
    • What is the wildest thing I’ve ever done?  HDIFAT? or HDIFSTWY?
    • What is my favorite city and why?  HDIFSTWY?
    • What is my strongest feeling about being empty nesters? DILD. (Describe in loving detail)
  5. Community enrichment day!  Watch the web site for the announcement of the data!  The community will put together a great day with great presentations to enrich your relationship!  And to be with other encountered couples from all around Atlanta!!  It will be a great day!  See you there!
