Below are the top 5 things for this month!
- We have new e-spirit editors! Welcome Jeremy and Beth Stafford!! Thank you for helping out!!! And thank you to Mark and Dana Turpin/ Mike and Meredith Brinkman for doing the e-spirit for so many years!! We appreciate all of you! Send love notes, prayers requests, and any articles you want couples to read to: We still need a couple to help with Spotlight Couple articles. Please contact Brooks and Brandi McElyea if interested:
- Eucharistic Congress June 16 and 17th. Please contact Brooks and Brandi if you want to help hand out brochures for ½ an hour! This is a great event and a great inviting day for Marriage Encounter!
- Invite! Invite!! Invite!!!! Next weekend is April 21 to 23rd! Share with your friends the information about the weekend and dates! for more information. June 9 – 11, July 28 – 30, Sept. 15 – 17, Nov. 3 – 5. Let Brooks and Brandi know if your parish needs brochures, if the WWME weekend is not in your bulletin and also if your Parish Priest will allow someone to do a 3 min. witness talk about Marriage Encounter!!
- Prayer couples needed! If you want to become a prayer couple, please e-mail Doug and Maureen Newlands at and let them know. If you are already a prayers couple, please remember the responsibilities All of these responsibilities bring a smile to the faces of the couple you are praying for!!
- Light a candle for the couple and pray
- Hand write a letter and send it the Monday before the weekend to the Newlands (5405 Mt. Vernon Way, Dunwoody, GA 30338) write your name and phone number and the letters p/c for prayer couple, on the envelope outside in case the couple leaves the team couples can call you.
- Attend the sing out at 3:00 at the Marriott hotel as a couple to greet your newly encountered couple. This is very important because we want all the couples to have someone to greet them after the weekend. if you cannot make it to the sing out for some reason, please get an M.E. couple to greet the couple.
- Call the couple and invite them to WEDS if they are in your WEDS group. Or just call and see how their weekend was.
- Share Dialogue questions with your WEDS and others. Share them with the eSpirit! Here are a few for this weekend!
a. What is my most favorite holiday HDIFAT?
b. How do I feel about our Easter plans for this year?
c. How do I feel about traveling for the holiday?
d. Do I talk openly with your, or do I hold things back? HDIFAT?
e. HDIF when I hold the door for you, or HDIF when you hold the door for me?
f. HDIF when you hug me?
g. The values I hold most important in my life are ?…..HDIFAT